11/22The Aristocrats are on JamTrackCentral


Hello Aristocrats fans,

Here we are, inviting you to check out our latest offering through JamTrackCentral – the jam tracks and full guitar transcriptions for our latest album, “You Know What…?”! For our fourth studio album, we really wanted to push the boundaries and explore new sounds and vibes on the guitar. Here’s what we came up with:

* For “D Grade Fuck Movie Jam” we went full blues-rock Hendrix-on-steroids. It’s a wild ride of loud and aggressive guitar mayhem that Guthrie had a lot of fun with. It should be a blast to play along with.

* “Spanish Eddie” has a smorgasbord of guitar-istic delights: Some incredibly tricky finger-picked chords, a trademark GG hammer-on melody motif, a “New York Jazz Guy” clean solo, and something very close to metal (especially for Guthrie). High degree of difficulty on this track!

* “All Said And Done” gives our British guitarist a chance to explore his Beatles fandom, in the closest thing to a “pop” tune The Aristocrats have ever released. It’s a bit trickier than it sounds, though.

* “Terrible Lizard” is a nasty heavy dirge, with chords and tones thick and dense enough to bring down large buildings. Guthrie really gets a chance to stretch out in the solo on this one! Another serious challenge out there for the guitarists.

* “The Ballad Of Bonnie And Clyde” is a long, epic tune that starts out softly and wistfully, and slowly builds to a frenzy of Guthrie flying all the way up and down the neck to convey the song’s cinematic, dramatic intent. Another great GG solo on this cut. This track is a bit more approachable and could be fun for intermediate players. Also, if you’ve got a Les Paul, you might want to break it out for the proper effect. ;-)

* “Last Orders” is the album closer, and by far the quietest of all listed here. The head is fairly simple and sweet, and while it gets loud for a quick bit in the middle, the real feature is the extended outro solo section. It wasn’t even supposed to be in the record, truth be told. We just didn’t know how to end it, and suddenly we were having a really cool jam that we knew we didn’t want to cut off. Players of all levels can have a good time jamming along with Bryan and Marco at the end of this one.

But wait, you say: That’s only six songs! Correct. Three of the songs on the album – “When We All Come Together”, “Spiritus Cactus” and “Burial At Sea” – were so heavily layered with guitar overdubs and textures that they simply defied the ability to be JamTrack-ified into one playable guitar part. So we’ll leave those be, and focus on the six songs that lend themselves to the JTC treatment. We trust that Guthrie has left enough notes in the six songs we did to keep you busy for quite a while. ;-)

So, have at it, and we hope you enjoy the challenge of walking in Guthrie Govan’s footsteps and playing along with Marco and Bryan for the better part of “You Know What…?”. Happy shedding and shredding!

The Aristocrats